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Pipe Thawing

Pipe Thawing in Greenfield, IN

Keeping your home warm during the cold winter months isn’t just for comfort. A warm home also helps to keep the home’s systems working correctly, especially the plumbing system. However, just because the house is warm, this does not always mean the pipes are. Frozen pipes are a significant problem for the home’s plumbing.

If you find yourself with frozen pipes in Greenfield, contact Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling. We specialize in servicing plumbing solutions to many homeowners throughout Greenfield and its surrounding areas and have been for over 50 years. We are known for our superb work effort and outstanding customer service. To get your home’s frozen pipes working as they should, contact Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling today.

Qualified Services with Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling

Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling technicians are licensed and insured. Through experience and rigorous training, one can feel confident their home’s plumbing is in the best of hands. On-site plumbers have extensive knowledge, training, and skillset to work through any issue your house may possess.

How to Tell if Your Pipes are Frozen and What to Do About Them

For a plumbing system to maintain constant pressure, water must remain inside the pipes at all times. Constant pressure allows for an uninterrupted water supply, allowing for on-demand water to the faucets and appliances without sputtering. Cold temperatures, however, may cause this water to freeze. Should this happen, the water will no longer make its way through the pipe, cutting off all water supplies to the faucets and appliances. If you notice a lack of water when the temperatures outside are below freezing, it is a good sign that the pipes are frozen solid.

As water freezes, it expands. Expanding water can become a significant problem for the pressure inside the pipes. Raising water pressure can damage the plumbing. As the pressure builds, the lines become susceptible to leaks. These leaks can range anywhere from a tiny drip-like leak to a significant gush of water. Should one hear water in the walls or ceiling of the home, or should one notice water in the basement, this is a good sign that the pipes have frozen.

The Thawing Process

Some homeowners feel it is necessary to thaw their pipes themselves by using an open flame or hair dryer; however, doing so can be extremely dangerous and cause a significant amount of damage to the plumbing system.

When pipes have frozen, there are good chances that damages to the lines have occurred; however, it’s hard to pinpoint the exact location of any leaks because the water is solid. It is essential to contact a professional plumbing company such as Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling for thawing services.

Well-qualified technicians are more likely to diagnose any damages before the thawing process. Early detections can aid in preparing the technicians to handle any water that can leak from the pipes and repairs needed.

Even in the best cases, there is sure to be some damage to the pipes that will require repair. Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling technicians will guarantee that once the lines begin to thaw, there will not be any leaks and that the pipes are free of any damages and deformity free. The technicians may also share tips on how to prevent the pipes from freezing again.

Preventing Pipes from Freezing

Pipes often freeze because of exposure to the elements surrounding them. Whether the lines are outdoors, run through unheated areas of the home, or are insulated poorly, all pose a threat to freezing in the cold winter months.

Preventing frozen pipes begins with proper insulation. If any of the home’s plumbing is at risk of freezing, our reputable technicians help ensure the lines will be insulated correctly with suitable materials. It is vital to make sure the house is perfectly heated, making sure not to lower the home’s temperatures past 55 degrees.

Should you be concerned about the pipes freezing for any reason, an excellent way to take preventative measures is to leave a faucet running at a slow trickle. Doing so will keep ice from forming in the pipes.

Contact Us Today

Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling have provided Greenfield plumbing services, including pipe thawing, for longer than 50 years. Our team members dedicate themselves to helping homeowners in the community keep their homes and properties safe and free of frozen pipes and other plumbing issues throughout the year. Contact us today and let us help you thaw your frozen pipes.

We look forward to serving the community.

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