Contact Summers for Clogged Drains in Greenfield, IN Today
If you are currently struggling with a clogged drain in your home, this is something that needs to be handled right away. Many people don’t realize that the problem will not go away on its own. Instead, it is going to turn into a serious situation that will be difficult to recover from. From the moment you notice the bathtub is filling with water while showering, the sink is not draining or it is draining slowly, water is bubbling up in the kitchen sink, or there is a horrible smell coming from one drain, these are important features to take note of regarding a clogged drain.
Many people will agree, a clogged drain can be a serious inconvenience. If it is not handled right away, it could turn into something more severe such as a shower that will not drain and a toilet that will not flush. When this happens, there will be no way that you can use the plumbing until it is handled properly the problem. Therefore, it is crucial to contact Summers Plumbing Heating and Cooling as soon as possible. If you live in the Greenfield, Indiana area, a plumbing service with over 50 years of experience will be there to resolve the problem right away. Never make the mistake of ignoring a clogged drain. Unfortunately, it will not go away on its own. Contact a plumber who will use their tools and knowledge to get rid of that clog once and for all.
Understand How a Drain Works
It is going to be difficult to understand a clogged drain if you do not understand how a drain works. The drain in the bottom of the kitchen sink is going to be connected to the wastewater system from your home. These drains are going to work together with gravity to remove wastewater from the home into the sewer system. Underneath this drain, there will be a U-shaped pipe which is also known as a trap. This pipe will typically be underneath the kitchen and the bathroom sink. The primary function of this pipe is to trap debris and any other material into the wastewater system. The water in the pipe is going to prevent odors from coming into the home. A clog can occur anywhere in the home plumbing system. It is very important to know which drain is clogged before getting started with resolving the problem.
Understand the Causes of a Clogged Drain
Some homeowners are very cautious regarding what goes into the drains in their homes. Others don’t realize how important it is to be careful with what goes down the drain until something happens. Either way, as soon as we have noticed a problem, contact a plumber. Otherwise, the problem is only going to continue to get worse. Never put hot grease into the kitchen drain. Some people try to flush it with hot water and assume that everything is going to be okay. Unfortunately, things don’t always work out this way. It doesn’t take much for a clog to form. When this happens, the entire plumbing system in the household will not function properly. It makes more sense to put the grease in the trashcan where it belongs.
Learn the Simple Tricks
As a homeowner, you may have already familiarized yourself with how to use a plunger and adjusting the stopper in a kitchen sink. It is also important to know how to adjust the connections in the trap underneath the kitchen and bathroom sink. Perhaps you have used a drain cleaning product on a few different occasions. This will sometimes do the job. Unfortunately, it is important to understand that they can cause damage to drains. These products can also be extremely toxic.
Know When to Surrender
It is important to realize that you may not fix the problem every time. If you have tried using a plunger, the clog is not leaving, contact a plumber. When the clog goes away for a bit and then comes back, a plumber is available. If there are fumes or even water coming into the home, a plumber is necessary.
Get in touch with a plumber in Greenfield, Indiana today. They will answer questions and help you know more about what we can expect regarding restoring the plumbing in this home. It is great to know that you don’t have to go through this process alone. There is a plumber who is fully aware of what needs to be done to resolve the problem. If you need an after-hours emergency, call them and they will take care of it.