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Well Repair

Well Repair in Tipton, IN

While having well water instead of a municipal hookup can offer many benefits, there is one drawback: if there’s ever a problem, it can be hard to diagnose since the well itself is deep underground. Sometimes, it might not be possible to see the actual issue until the water pipe and submersible pump up and out of the well.

While that process may be complex, keeping a close eye on the well in your yard can help you identify any potential trouble before it becomes a significant issue. In fact, there a few different warning signs to watch out for that may indicate there’s a problem. When that happens, call the professionals at Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling. Our licensed and certified HVAC technicians can inspect, diagnose, and fix any type of well repair problem at your home in Tipton. We have over fifty years of experience, and we offer competitive and affordable rates, too. For homeowners who need well repair in the Tipton area, call the experts at Summers right away. Here are some warning signs to watch out for that can indicate a well problem.

There’s No Water

If there’s no water coming out of the faucet, there could be a few different causes. The first, which is the most manageable problem to fix, is that the circuit breaker is tripped, and the electricity to the pump is off. This is a simple and quick fix, which only requires flipping the breaker back on again.

However, if there’s power flowing to the pump and it’s still not working, then there’s a bigger problem at hand, which could be the water level. When the warmer months come around, most homeowners tend to use more water.  When this happens, the water level can fall below the pump, meaning it won’t be able to send water to your house. One fix for this is reducing water usage for a few days. That allows for the water level to rise back higher so the pump can function correctly. Eventually, the well will correct itself as time goes on. If there’s ever a drought, it could cause even more issues.

So, what’s the fix? Just lower the pump deeper into the well by adding longer piping to the top. This allows for the pump to reach the water. The worst-case scenario is if the well ends before the pump can be fully submerged. In this case, an entirely new well would be required.

Intermittent or Sputtering Water

If the faucets in your home are spitting or sputtering out water, this means there’s air in the system. Typically, the air in the system is caused by a crack or break in the pipe system or pump. Our professionals here at Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling can diagnose and identify the issue by pulling the well.

Cloudy-Looking Water

When the water comes out of the faucet, does it look cloudy or muddy? If so, then the water table underground has lowered. This causes the pump to suck up sediment, dirt, and salt in with it. Or, it could be an issue with a faulty pump. If your water looks cloudy or muddy, it’s crucial to call the professionals at Summers right away. Sand and sediment can cause severe damage to the pipe system and plumbing fixtures, which is why it should be addressed immediately.

Energy Bills

Generally, monthly utility bills should stay consistent unless the company raised its rates or you can account for extra usage. If so, the issue could be the pump, which can really cause a noticeable rise in energy costs.

Funny-Tasting Water

Since well water is exposed to nature and the weather, sometimes harmless bacteria, sand, minerals, or other particulates can give water a funny taste or smell. Another cause of funny tasting water can be corrosion in the pipe system. However, our experienced technicians can help determine whether the issue is caused by well issues or just a corroded pipe. We can also perform in-depth water testing, but in the meantime, buy bottled water or a water filter, just to be on the safe side.

Problems with the Pressure Switch

If there’s a problem with the pressure switch, sometimes it won’t turn on even when the tank is below the level where it needs to pump more water. A common issue is the contact surfaces on the switch, which might need cleaning or replacement to keep your well functioning correctly.

Incorrect Pump Size

Another common well issue is often due to an incorrectly sized pump. If the pump in your well isn’t strong or efficient enough to provide water to your entire home, it will have to strain and overwork just to keep up with daily water usage. However, our expert HVAC technicians can determine if the pump is an adequate size or if you’ll need a replacement.

Well Repair Services in Tipton

Here at Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling, we have over fifty years of experience helping our friends and neighbors in the Tipton community with their plumbing and HVAC problems. We have the cutting-edge equipment, know-how, and expertise to handle any size well replacement or other HVAC issues, too. When you need quality and affordable HVAC services in Tipton, call the Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling professionals. We offer 24/7 emergency services as well, so there’s help whenever it’s needed most. Call us today to learn more or schedule a free consultation for any well repair or replacement needs.


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