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Faucet Repair

Faucet Repair in Tipton, IN

A leaky faucet can be more than just a simple nuisance, and it can be a strain on the wallet, environment, and the plumbing system of a home. It is estimated that 900 billion gallons of water are wasted in American each year because of household leaks. That translates to 180 gallons a week for the average American family. Ensuring that faucets in the home are working properly is the simplest way to avoid this type of senseless waste. Homeowners will likely need the service of a plumbing professional to achieve this. Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling offers residents in Tipton faucet repair services that will keep water bills low and plumbing systems intact so that they are not contributing to the water waste that occurs in our country every year. When you hear the tale-tell drip sound, contact our professional staff and get some peace and quiet.

How to Tell if a Faucet Needs Repair

Persistent dripping is not the only indication that a faucet requires repair. Several obvious and sometimes subtle signs are also evidence that the faucet is in disrepair. If any of the following issues have arisen, it is time to give us a call:

  • Damaged Parts. Faulty plumbing components can contribute to water waste. An example of a faulty component is a loose faucet handle. If the handle is loose, it will have to be positioned carefully to stop the water flow. However, many times, stopping the flow is not achieved, and the faucet is left slightly running. If this situation occurs, the services of a plumber are needed.
  • Strange Sounds. Faucets are not considered to be quiet; however, they have a particular type of sound. Unusual sounds are a sign that there is a problem. Clanking, clinking, screeching, groaning or any other odd sounds out of the ordinary indicate it is imperative to contact a plumbing repair service. Strange sounds can also be an indication that there is a more serious plumbing problem in addition to the faucet. Water hammer noise or a hissing noise can indicate there is a clog in the plumbing system.
  • Water Damage. No matter the type or size of the leak it is going to cause water damage in the area it occurs. If any signs of water damaged are noticed around the faucet or the area under the sink, a plumbing professional will need to be contacted. Water damage can quickly turn into a very expensive problem and, in prolonged cases, can cause mold and mildew in the home.
  • Irregular Water Flow. A faucet should flow with a consistent stream whenever it is running. If the water begins to spit and sputter, there is most likely a clog in the faucet. Until the clog is cleared, the consistent flow will not return. What begins as a small clog disrupting the flow can easily turn into a larger problem, completely stopping the faucet up.
  • Mineral Deposits and Rust. When there is water at the base of the faucet beneath the handle, it is a sign that the faucet is not functioning properly. When this happens, it likely means that mineral deposits have begun gathering in these areas and will need repair. These mineral deposits will turn into rust, and rust will eat away at metal faucets and stain sinks, and countertops.

The Importance of Repair

It has already been determined that a leaky faucet is more than just a nuisance. It will quickly compound into being wasteful and damaging to the home. Even though the drip may be slow, it is quickly deteriorating floorboards and ceilings in second-story rooms. It also disintegrates caulking while causing rust and stain issues. However, the worst problem from the leak is the mold and mildew created by excessive moisture. Mold and mildew will be costly to eliminate as well as detrimental to the health of the home residents. By repairing the leak as soon as it starts, these issues will be rectified before they ever start, saving the homeowner time and money.

The staff at Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling understand that emergencies will surface at the most inopportune times. This is why we offer our customers Tipton emergency plumbing services. When a plumbing emergency happens, we have an emergency hotline available 24/7, and we will be there right away. We have been providing high-quality plumbing, heating, and cooling services for more than 50 years. If faucet repair services are needed, just call Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling. Our reputation speaks for itself.


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