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Plumbing Repair

Summers Plumbing Repair in Tipton, IN

Is a plumber needed on the scene? Some homeowners are unaware of when a plumber’s services are necessary. Not all plumbing problems are as challenging and life-altering as a burst pipe spouting water around the house. But homeowners must handle some plumbing issues immediately, so they don’t get worse.

Most homeowners question when a plumber should be called to tackle the job. Continue to read to discover some of the most significant plumbing problems that should be instantly addressed by a professional plumbing service in Tipton, IN.

Strange Sounds

If the toilet or washing machine starts to make strange gurgling noises, it could be the house. More likely, it can also be an indication there is a blockage in the pipes. If the pipes gurgle and never did that before, it is usually a sign of a blockage.

At this point, it is time to call an experienced plumber to check the pipes, especially if the sounds get louder and more frequent. If a pipe is blocked, it could lead to leaks in the future. This happens when the blockage prevents water from flowing through the pipes, and if the pressure builds up, it pushes out the pipes with an outstanding level of force. In a rare few cases, the gurgling could be caused by a collapsed pipe. It is wise to pay attention to the sounds in the drains to determine when to reach out to a local plumber. 

Plunging May Not Solve the Issue

When the toilet gets clogged, homeowners instantly get a plunger. When plunging the toilet bowl is ineffective, it means there is a bigger problem. It could mean some type of blockage further down the pipe that the plunger cannot reach. In certain instances, a toilet snake is required to get rid of the blockage. With the assistance of a knowledgeable plumber, it is easy to get the toilet running right again.

Odd and Stinky Smells

If there is an odd odor of raw sewage, this stinky smell could mean a cracked sewage pipe under the street or house. Fixing a sewage line can be icky and tricky, which is why this is not a project to tackle independently.

Raw sewage has an awful, sulfurous odor. Sometimes people mistake it with the smell that gas produces. If a homeowner thinks gas is the problem – not sewage – they need to contact the experts immediately. Gas leaks are much more hazardous than sewage leaks.

The Showers and Sinks Do Not Drain

If the bathtub and sinks are draining improperly, the first step to take is going to the neighborhood market to buy some type of blockage remedy. Remember to avoid using chemical drain cleaners too frequently because they can damage the pipes. 

Also, chemical drain cleaners can remove certain materials, such as human hair. But if there is a solid blockage, the issue will be harder to fix with a drain cleaner. At this point, contact a local plumber to determine the source of the problem and repair it as quickly as possible. 

Though it might not seem like a huge issue, it is crucial to take care of this problem as fast as possible. If water starts to stand in showers and sinks, it becomes an unhygienic breeding ground for bacteria and other unwanted elements that smell and look unpleasant.

The Drains Move Slowly

Sometimes a drain or drains continue draining, but they move extremely slowly. This is the time to call a plumber to figure out the problem. While homeowners may want to try some DIY solutions first, a professional plumber can figure out the issue fast to take care of it right away.

Dripping Faucets

Does the dripping water continue day and night? Even if the tap is closed tightly, is there still a continued drip? The drips could result in up to 3,000 gallons of wasted water annually, a high cost to the homeowners and environment. Contact a plumber to take care of the problem immediately. A plumbing expert in Tipton, IN, can help ensure the situation doesn’t worsen and lead to even more issues.

When it comes to plumbing problems, various issues could happen. Understanding the correct times to call a plumber can minimize the possibility that the situation will worsen and lead to more expensive issues. A well-informed consumer ensures the desired results are achieved, and the problem at hand is fixed to move forward safely and comfortably. Reach out to a skilled plumbing service in Tipton, IN today to make sure the plumbing works well tomorrow.


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