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Burst Pipes

Burst Pipes in Tipton

Even though it is not very common to experience a burst pipe, it is something that happens and it can leave you in a panic regarding how to handle this type of plumbing emergency. It’s difficult to know what to do with a broken pipe inside the home. Often, the damage is unnecessary. Learn more about what causes this type of problem and how to prevent it. By doing this, you may save a lot of money.

Understand the Causes of a Broken Pipe

Typically, a broken pipe is something that starts out small and turns into a serious problem. If you know what is going to cause this type of problem, you may see the warning signs and get it resolved before the problem gets worse. It is important to pay close attention to the plumbing in your home. If it is not something that you are familiar with, contact a plumber who can do a thorough inspection of the plumbing.

Understand the Common Signs

A clogged pipe is very common, and it can occur anywhere inside the pipes in the home. It doesn’t take much for a lot of water to build up inside a pipe. Typically, this is caused by hair and makeup. Don’t use a drain cleaning product. Instead, contact a plumber who can reduce the water pressure inside the pipe and hopefully prevent it from leaking or even bursting.

Frozen Pipes are a Nuisance

When the weather gets cold outside, water inside the pipes can freeze quickly. When this happens, there is likely going to be a blockage. It is going to turn into the same situation as a clogged pipe. Unfortunately, the ice is going to continue to swell. If you were to pour hot water through the pipe, it would be weak and it could actually end up shattering the pipe.

Corroded Pipes Need to Be Replaced

A home should have new pipes every 50 years. This is the best way to avoid problems with pipes breaking. In the meantime, pay close attention for corroded pipes and consider a water softener to rid the minerals in a pipe. They will cause a pipe to corrode and eventually break. Obviously, this is going to be a huge expense. You don’t want to have to replace all of your plumbing pipes.

Moving Pipes are Dangerous

A pipe will often bump underneath the sink. When this happens, it could be a problem which is not noticed. When the cold weather comes, the pipes are going to shift. Unfortunately, the water pressure can cause a burst pipe. When this happens, there will be no other choice except to contact a plumber.

Understand the Warning Signs

There are several things which will let you know that something could be wrong. Watch for puddles in the home, reduced water pressure, strange smelling water coming from the tap, stains on the walls and ceilings, a higher than usual water bill, pipes that are making noises or even the sound of dripping water. If you have noticed any of these signs, it is crucial to contact a plumber who will come to the home, assess the situation and then come up with a plan.

Call a Plumber Today

As soon as we have noticed a problem, it is crucial to contact a plumber who can take care of the problem before it turns into something serious. In the meantime, turn off the main water valve as soon as possible. If you don’t know where this is located, today is a great day to find it. Practice turning it on and off to make sure it is easy to do.

A technician will quickly diagnose the problem and come up with a plan to resolve it. Call them and they will be on their way as soon as possible. In the meantime, start cleaning up any standing water on the walls and the floors. This will help prevent water damage. Drain the water from the pipes by turning on the faucets. It is also important to get the air circulating inside the home which will help the pipes to thaw.

Now is the time to schedule a consultation appointment with a plumber. They will answer questions and help you know more about what we can expect regarding the average home. It is good to know that you will not have to go through this process alone. A plumber is always available when they are needed. Call them today and a plumber will be there to resolve the problem fast.


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