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Minisplit Installation

Mini Split Installation in Muncie, IN

When the hot summer months begin in Muncie, IN, no one wants to be caught out with a broken or inadequate air conditioning system. Ductless mini air conditioning systems are a solution any homeowner thinking about installing a new air conditioner or replacing an old, inefficient air cooling system may want to consider.

Summers Plumbing Heating and Cooling have been working with homeowners in Muncie, IN, and the surrounding communities for over 50 years providing top-of-the-line customer service.

Professional Mini Split Installations

When homeowners choose to work with Summers Plumbing Heating and Cooling, they can rest assured that any work performed in their home is being carried out by our well-trained technicians, all of whom are insured, licensed, and certified. Our technicians are determined to provide homeowners with excellent service, and their work never stops until the homeowner is satisfied.

What’s Special about a Mini-Split System

Traditional air conditioning systems often called central air systems, use a coil of cold refrigerant to take the heat out of warm air. Once the refrigerant has cooled the air and become warm itself, it is cycled outside where the outdoor air takes in its heat and allows it to cool again. The now-cold refrigerant then cycles back inside to cool more air.

The cooled air from a central air system is pushed from the cooling unit through vents that run throughout a home. A thermostat is used to set and measure indoor air temperature and adjust how much or how little air is being cooled, as well as the strength with which fans are blowing the air. Unfortunately, the thermostat only measures the temperature of the air it’s located in, meaning that some rooms in the house may be warmer or cooler than others. There’s also no way to opt a room out of cooling or heating with a central air system other than closing that room’s vent.

Mini-split systems address both of these problems. Rather than a centralized cooling unit attached to a duct system, every room receives its wall unit. This makes it possible to cool or not cool every room in the home individually and guarantee that a room is reaching the desired temperature.

What To Expect from Mini Split Installation

Unlike central air system installations, which require the invasive and expensive process of running ductwork, mini-split systems only need small holes for their refrigerant tubes.

Our technicians will install a wall unit in every room a homeowner wants to have cooling services in. A condenser unit will be positioned outside. This unit works to provide power to the individual wall units and is also where the refrigerant is cooled after it absorbs the heat from warm air.

Benefits of a Mini-Split System

There are many reasons to install a mini-split air conditioning system in your home:

Increased Efficiency

Because each room that needs cooling has its wall united installed, the units don’t have to run as frequently as a central air system does. This means significant savings on energy bills at the end of the month. The lack of ducts also means that air doesn’t lose its cooling, since it doesn’t have to travel as far from where it’s cooled to its final destination.

Simple Installation

Mini-split system installation is not nearly as time-consuming or invasive as central air installations. Only a few small holes need to be drilled for each unit before units can be mounted to the walls.

Whether or not a home has an existing duct system does not affect the effectiveness or reliability of a mini-split system. Mini-split systems being installed to replace pre-existing central air systems do not attach to the ductwork.

Localized Cooling

Because every unit in a mini-split system operates independently from the others, it is possible to set different temperatures for each room in a home. This gives everyone in the home the option to pick what temperature is most comfortable for them, as well as providing the option not to waste energy cooling rooms that aren’t in use.

Local Mini Split Services

Summers Plumbing Heating and Cooling have been serving in Muncie, IN, since 1969. Our professional technicians have years of experience working in homes of all shapes and sizes, experience that will make ensure that your new air conditioning system meets all your needs. If you’re ready to learn more about mini-split systems and the improvements in comfort that they could bring to your home, contact us today!

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