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How to Prevent Frozen Pipes in Your Crawfordsville Home

When winter arrives in Crawfordsville, Indiana, homeowners have more to contend with than snow on the roof and driveway. Freezing temperatures can damage plumbing systems when the water inside the pipes freezes.

If you own a home in this city, you will know that it does not need to snow to be incredibly cold. It is not unusual for the weather to be below freezing, with blue skies overhead. And the colder it gets, the more your plumbing system is at risk.

It is important to know how to prevent pipes from freezing and what to do if they freeze. The following guide highlights practical steps to ensure your plumbing remains safe and functional throughout the cold season.

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Why Frozen Pipes Are a Problem

You may think a frozen pipe is not such a big deal. However, it is not the pipe that freezes but the water inside it. When the water becomes frozen, it expands. This leads to pressure on the inside of the pipe that can cause a burst.

Older Crawfordsville homes are especially vulnerable to frozen pipes because they have inadequate insulation or exposed plumbing.

If one or more pipes freeze in or outside your home, it can cause extensive water damage. This will inevitably mean an expensive repair. You will also have no water access if the pipe bursts and a higher utility bill at the end of the month.

If the water damage is extensive, mold and mildew might also grow in your home. This can affect you and your family’s health.

By being proactive, you can reduce the risk of frozen pipes and subsequent damage.

Which Pipes Are Most at Risk?

Not all pipes are equally vulnerable to freezing. Those most at risk include exposed pipes in unheated areas. These may include empty rooms, attics, basements, and garages.

Outdoor plumbing pipes, including irrigation systems, faucets, and hose bibs, are also at risk. Swimming pool supply lines are exposed to the cold and could potentially freeze.

If the pipes in your exterior walls or those under sinks are poorly insulated, they could also freeze in winter.

Knowing where your home’s most vulnerable pipes are will make it easier to prioritize which ones need the most protection.

Winter-Proofing Your Plumbing

If you want to prevent your pipes from freezing, there are several ways to go about it. These include:

  • Insulating cold areas in your house. You can start by adding insulation to those areas that are always cold. Weatherstrips on doors and windows can go a long way in providing insulation. You should also seal any gaps or cracks in ceilings, walls, and floors, especially near pipes. Doing this will prevent cold air from reaching these pipes.
  • Keep every room warm. Some homeowners turn off the heating in their homes when they leave for the winter. This is a bad idea, considering how cold it gets in Crawfordsville. If you plan to leave for weeks or months, invest in a smart thermostat. This will allow you to monitor and adjust the heating in your home so that it is always warm.
  • Keep the water running. You do not have to leave faucets open to keep the water moving. Just a small, steady drip will do the trick. Moving water is less likely to freeze, preventing pressure from building up in the pipes.

Other strategies include insulating pipes in colder areas of the home. If your home gets very cold, consider heat tape or foam sleeves.

Thawing a Frozen Pipe

Sometimes, a pipe will freeze, no matter what you do. If you suspect a pipe is frozen (water trickling from the faucet), turn off the water supply to your home. If you leave the water on, it will continue to push against the ice in the pipe, which could cause it to burst.

Check for leaks around the pipe once you have shut off the water. If you do not see any, try to thaw the pipe slowly. You can do this by wrapping a warm towel around the frozen section. A heating pad or hair dryer could also work.

If the pipe does not thaw, it is best to call a professional plumber for assistance.

Common Myths About Frozen Pipes

There are many misconceptions about frozen pipes that can lead to expensive mistakes.

For example, some homeowners believe pipes will only freeze if extremely cold. However, it has been proven that pipes freeze at 20°F or lower. This is not unusual for Crawfordsville during winter.

Another myth is that hot water pipes do not freeze. The reality is that any type of plumbing pipe can freeze. This means hot water pipes will freeze as easily as cold water pipes.

It is also not true that merely insulating a pipe will prevent it from freezing. Insulation helps, but other measures are also necessary. You should always seal gaps and openings, maintain the heat in your home, and add insulation to pipes.

Why You Should Act Fast to Protect Your Home’s Plumbing

If you wait too long to winter-proof your home (or decide to watch and see what happens), you could have a plumbing emergency. A frozen pipe that bursts can cost you a lot of money. This expense can be prevented by implementing the above strategies.

Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling Specialize in Winterizing Plumbing Systems

If you need help winterizing the plumbing of your Crawfordsville home, Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling can help. The Summers PHC team is ready to assist you in protecting your plumbing system and thawing frozen pipes when necessary.

Book a maintenance appointment today and take advantage of our local specials. Contact us at 765-310-3070 or request a service online.


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