Duct Cleaning in Lafayette, Indiana
Ask any resident of Lafayette, Indiana, what they love most about living in Lafayette and they will probably mention the beautiful springtime. While they may talk about the spring blooms, they are not likely to mention the tragic result of mother nature’s yearly rebirth, pollen. Between the itchy, watery eyes, and the constant sneezing springtime can leave some residents miserable and heavily medicated as they reach for their allergy medication and tissues. Some will seek respite indoors only to find little relief. If only there was a way to improve the air quality in their homes.
Fortunately for homeowners living in Lafayette, IN. there is an answer to their indoor air quality improvement needs, Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling. We are an experienced indoor air quality contractor serving the Lafayette area for over five decades. Our expert team has a reputation for providing customers with exceptional service at prices that can not be beaten. If you are looking to improve your home’s air quality and lessen your allergy woes this spring, then you need to call Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling. We will meet or beat any competitor’s price on any service, including air duct cleaning.
Duct Cleaning, What Is It?
When you contact Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling with indoor air quality issues, we will send one of our licensed contractors to inspect your home’s HVAC system for any leaks or damage. They will then seal the air vents in your home and use special tools to loosen and remove dirt and debris from your home’s air ducts. Some contaminants that can build up in your air ducts over time are mold, mildew, pollen, bacteria, dirt, and dust. In order to ensure these contaminants are removed safely and effectively, you will need our professional cleaning services.
Duct Cleaning, Is It Important?
It would shock many homeowners to learn just how hazardous poor indoor air quality can be to the health of themselves and their families. Poor indoor air can cause irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat. Headaches, dizziness, and fatigue are also common. Prolonged exposure to air contaminated with mold can cause long-term respiratory illness. With mold, severe cases are often discovered because strange odors accompany them but it is possible for mold to be present and growing in your ducts for a long time undetected.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or have never had your ducts professionally cleaned, then you should give Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling a call. Cleaning your air ducts will not only improve the quality of the air you breathe but can also improve the efficiency of a home’s AC system.
Duct cleaning services sound complex and yet they are affordable. That is especially true with Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling because we are committed to matching or beating the advertised price of any competitor. Doesn’t matter how dirty the ducts are, you will always get the best price from us. Our services are as convenient as they are affordable. We offer flexible service appointments and once our technician arrives, they will get to work inspecting and cleaning the ducts. Our team members always arrive on time and have been trained to work efficiently so they can finish their work with as minor interruption to a homeowner’s day as possible.
Additional Services
Homeowners looking for an indoor air specialist in Lafayette should call Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling. Besides duct cleaning, we offer a variety of additional services designed to improve a home’s air quality. We have an air quality testing service available to determine the factors that are affecting air quality. The results will provide our experts with the information they need to develop service options for the homeowner.
Technology plays an important part in keeping a home’s air clean. We also offer HEPA filter installation for those homeowners that are looking for a low-tech boost to their systems filtration capabilities. The high filtration capabilities offered by HEPA filters will prevent most contaminants from ever entering a home’s ventilation system. HEPA filters offer far superior filtration than standard home filters. For those seeking a more high-tech tool for keeping indoor air clean, we can install a device inside a home’s air intake that uses a specialized UV light to kill airborne bacteria and pollen.
Duct Cleaning in Lafayette
The HVAC system in a home needs regular maintenance like duct cleaning to ensure homeowners can breathe easily. Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling offers to match or beat competitor pricing. Combine affordability with our flexible scheduling and the fact that our certified professionals can handle all of your residential heating and cooling needs and you have a partnership that can not be beat.