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AC Repair in Huntington, Indiana

Is your air conditioner on the fritz? Look no further than Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling, a locally-owned HVAC specialist serving Huntington and customers in the surrounding communities with AC repair for over 40 years.

We are open to assisting our residential and commercial customers with their emergency needs — including broken AC units.

We take your comfort seriously, so when it comes to AC repair in the middle of the night during a Huntington summer, trust us that we understand that your breakdown is a really big emergency! 

Should I Repair or Replace My Air Conditioner? 

Our skilled, certified HVAC technicians will make sure to spend quality time with you to determine what will be the best solution for your specific situation. With our history of providing superior quality in the heating and cooling industry, you can rest assured that you will always get top-notch advice from professional technicians that care about the Huntington community.

Sometimes, a simple AC repair is all it takes; when that is the case, Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling will not upsell you or try to get you to spend an arm and a leg on a brand-new system.

Here’s the bottom line:  What is best for Huntington AC customers is best for Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling! This is why we recommend that you schedule a free consultation with us online or by phone as soon as you are aware that something is wrong with your air conditioner. 

What Are Some Signs That My AC Needs to Be Repaired?

Common indications that something is wrong with your air conditioner include the unit making weird or loud noises, not blowing out air, or blowing out warm air.

While there are many reasons why an air conditioner may stop working properly, getting proper diagnostic services from certified AC pros is the key to figuring out exactly what is going on with your air conditioner. With extensive experience in serving the local Huntington community, we know what it takes to get your equipment working properly.

Why Isn’t My AC Working Properly?

There are several reasons why your AC may not function properly. Some of the most common reasons include:

Air Filters

This is probably the number one reason for most AC repairs. While it is super simple to change an air filter — be it during the winter when you’re using your heater or during the summer when you are blasting the AC — many homeowners and business owners alike simply do not think about changing the air filter.

Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling likes to engage its customers in caring for their AC systems. Once your unit has been repaired, we will get you on track to change filters regularly and consult with you about the benefits of enrolling in our maintenance agreement program.

Refrigerant Levels Are Low

Similar to coolant in a car, it’s important to have adequate levels of refrigerant in your system. This is another common issue that our technicians see during their AC repair calls.

When our team members are running diagnostics during an air conditioner repair in Huntington, we always make sure that your AC unit has plenty of refrigerants so that it will function efficiently. 

Condenser Coils That Need to Be Cleaned

If they are dirty, your condenser coils will cause your AC unit to work harder to produce airflow, eventually overheating the unit. The team at Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling can quickly diagnose and fix the problem!

No matter what the issue at hand may be, Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling is here to get things fixed so that you can get relief fast! 


We urge our potential customers to check out our awesome warranties, which are designed to provide peace of mind.

In the rare instance that you are not 100% satisfied with our work, Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling will always aim to make things right.

Our Indiana customers are the backbone of our business, so if you are not happy, then we are not happy. We recognize how vital guarantees from AC professionals are during a time in which it often seems like customer service is a lost art! 

Schedule an AC Repair

The quickest way to get a hold of us for a free estimate is to call the team Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling directly. We also offer a convenient online contact form.

When you need us most, you’ll always have access to our emergency AC repair services. Your comfort and satisfaction are our mission!


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