Furnace Replacement in Lebanon, IN
Lebanon residents are not strangers to the frigid nights of winter months. The average winter temperatures in the Lebanon area can fall below 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, the last thing you want to deal with at that point is an inefficient furnace.
A functional furnace is a necessity when residing in places like Lebanon. It’s essential to take action as soon as you notice signs of a failing furnace before it stops working completely. You need a licensed and certified heating contractor like Summers Heating & Cooling to fix the issue.
Fortunately, Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling is here to sort you out. We have faithfully offered our customers outstanding HVAC services, including furnace installations, for over five decades. We promise to use the best brands and assist you in selecting the right furnace replacement option for your home. Our customers can expect the most competitive pricing on our furnace replacement.
A total failure of your furnace is an obvious sign it needs replacing. However, you don’t have to wait for a complete failure that leaves your family in the cold as you wait for a replacement. You can look out for warning signs that notify you that it’s time to call Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling for furnace replacement services. The following are some of the warning signs you need to pay attention to:
Your furnace is designed to turn on immediately your home’s temperature drops below the thermostat setting. It should then turn off after achieving the desired temperature. However, your furnace shouldn’t rapidly turn on and off in short intervals. If this happens, it could be something wrong with the fan motor or thermostat. Ensure that you call a certified HVAC technician to check on your furnace.
A yellow burner is not always an alarming sign. However, it could be a sign of an underlying issue with the furnace. Your furnace should have a deep blue furnace, a sign that it’s burning as it should. If you notice a yellow flame, then carbon monoxide is finding its way into your home.
Ensure that you call Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling as soon as you notice a yellow flame. You also need to evacuate into a well-ventilated room for safety purposes. Remember that carbon monoxide can kill. Thus, evacuate as soon as you notice a yellow flame as you wait for the HVAC technicians to arrive.
An average residential furnace is designed to last for about two decades. If your furnace surpasses the 20-year mark, then you are living on borrowed time. If you can’t remember when you installed your furnace, or it’s getting close to the two-decade mark, consider replacing it with a new one.
Your heating bill should be relatively consistent unless there has been a recent adjustment of energy rates. Your furnace could be going out if you notice a spike in your utility bill. Furnaces are unable to heat as efficiently as they age.
The flue plays an integral role in ventilating your home and directing harmful gasses away from the house. A rusted vent is a sign of carbon monoxide leaks within your furnace’s ventilation system. While it’s not as urgent as the sight of a yellow flame, it’s still wise to contact Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling as soon as possible. We provide 24/7 emergency services, and we are always ready to serve you whenever you need us.
These problems or signs on their own might not always guarantee a furnace replacement. However, they should act as prompts to call Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling. We will inspect your furnace, as we pay attention to its health and efficiency and assist you in making an informed decision. It’s essential to plan to prepare yourself for the furnace replacement costs and avoid surprise repair costs.
You will enjoy the benefits of a new and functional furnace when you allow Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling to replace the old one. The new furnace will warm your home better than before, which is vital during the cold winter months in Brownsburg. You will also realize reduced heating costs because the new furnace will be more energy-efficient.
The best part about replacing your old furnace is that you don’t experience frequent repairs. Also, you can rest assured that you will come home or wake up to a warm house. All that thanks to Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling for their trusted furnace replacement services.
We understand the high cost of buying a new furnace. Therefore, we ensure that the purchasing and installation process is stress-free. We have affordable pricing and flexible purchasing options to enable you to access budget-friendly services.
Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling is the team for you if you want to schedule an inspection. We also offer free quotes on furnace replacement services. Trust us for all your residential heating and cooling needs. Contact the best!